Welcome to the Cobbleridge Condominium Website!
Please log into the Homeowner Access page and create new username and password.

Just a reminder, contact
Rost & Co.,CPAs
if you have a question about your
Common Charge Account,
please send an email to:
call 631-676-6050
Please contact The Board of Managers with
Emails sent to the Board will be monitored
Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, and answered within two business days as responses to emails need to be discussed by the Board before they can be sent.
Emails or letters are the best forms of communication as it documents your request or concerns in writing and creates an accurate record so the Board can work on a solution.
Board members are homeowners who have volunteered to serve the community. Please be respectful of Board members and do not visit their home or call their home/cell phones to communicate any concerns or complaints as this is an infringement on their privacy.
Common Charge Payments:
Make checks payable to: Cobbleridge Condominium
Please mail payments to:
Rost & Co., CPAs, P.C.
3505 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite Q
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Important Community Announcement
We strongly urge each homeowner to become familiar with the by-laws & house rules of the community. Please understand your obligations and responsibilities as a homeowner to avoid any issues/fines.
The Cobnews website is updated regularly. All community business, such as by-laws, house rules, minutes, on-line approval forms, notices, etc. can be found here.
If you have not done so already, click on the Homeowner Access tab and sign up. This will give you access to all the information on the website.
Email blasts will continue as well as regular postings on the community bulletin board. Please be advised the bulletin board is for informational posts concerning community business only, not for personal postings. All correspondence with the Board will be through email ONLY.
Thank you,
Cobbleridge Board of Managers
Please be advised, for the Condominium to meet its financial obligations, payments are applied in the following order:
Monthly assessment
Past due assessment
Monthly common charges
Past due common charges
Late fee, fines, interest & legal fees
Remaining assessment until paid in full
Future common charges
Homeowners may not designate where their payment is applied.
Effective July 1, 2022, Rost & Company accepts on-line bill pay. Click on the link for additional information.